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Dewa Budjana
Would earn fame throughout the region with Gigi, founding the iconic band in 1994. More than twenty years later, they are still going strong
Having released 26 albums to date, and solidifying their
status as one of the biggest, most successful pop rock bands in
Dewa budjana
Music News

I am very happy to announce that my newest album “Mahandini” will be recorded in the first months of 2018 with the help of an amazing band: Jordan Rudess (keys/piano), Mohini dey (bass) and Marco Minnemann (drums) will be assisting me in the recording studio.Beside these great musicians I have a few special guests who will be part of this…

“Seniku Tak Berhenti Lama”. Begitulah judul pameran lukisan sekelompok perupa di Taman Budaya Yogyakarta, pertengahan Januari 2009. Judul itu merupakan plesetan dari judul karya pelukis Djoko Pekik “Keretaku Tak Berhenti Lama”. Pameran ini unik, karena lahir dari sebuah kebetulan, yang kemudian membuahkan suatu gerakan kepekaan sosial di kalangan seniman. Di penghujung tahun 2008, sekelompok perupa berkumpul menyambut datangnya tahun 2009.…