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Indonesian Guitar Phenomenon DEWA BUDJANA Discuss New Album ‘Mahandini’, Featuring MARCO MINNEMANN and JORDAN RUDESS

“When an artist takes an unexpected turn into new musical directions, it may cause stirring among fans. This is not the case of the increasingly global fanbase of Indonesian progressive fusion maestro Dewa Budjana, who always come prepared to the perennial journeys through the world of their favored guitarist.” Check out the full article by Austin Kokel at Sonic Perspectives

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Guitarist Dewa Budjana to tour five Indonesian Cities

Noted guitarist Dewa Budjana is set to tour five Indonesian cities in September prior to launching his 10th solo album Mahandini at the end of the year. The “Samuccaya Roadshow to Mahandini” instrumental concert is set to take place in Central Java on Sept. 12, Cirebon in West Java (Sept. 13), Yogyakarta (Sept. 18), Semarang in Central Java (Sept. 20) and Surakarta in Central Java (Sept.…

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Dewa Budjana ARTJOG

Monggo, kula aturi rawuh wonten ing ARTJOG MMXIX – Arts In Common: common | space. • Kula badhe tampil sareng kaliyan @irsadestiwi @shadu_shah @yandiandaputra @asteriska_ @rega_dauna @jaeko_siena. • Kamis 25 Juli, pkl 20:00 @jogjanationalmuseum • #ARTJOG #ARTJOGMMXIX #artsincommon

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